Choosing your word for the year keeps you focused on the intention and desire you have for the next 12 months. It also guides your decision making and helps determine whether or not you’re still on track. It’s POWERFUL! So what’s your word (or words!) for 2017?

My first two words are: STREAMLINE and CREATE. And now that I look at them together, I realize how intertwined they are . . . I’m streamlining things in my life and business so I can create more. Create more services and offerings. Create more time in my schedule. Create more works of fiction. Create more money. And I’ve already started this streamlining by bringing somebody wonderful on to my team to support me. Nothing like getting a head start on the year!

So how about you? What’s your word (or words) for 2017?

(This is just one of the questions in my brand new power-packed UpLeveled Woman’s Way-of-Being, Next Year Success Plan fillable workbook. PM me or comment below if you’d like your free copy when it’s released in a couple of days. It’s beautiful by the way! )

The Magical Journey to Published Author - First Class The Magical Journey to Published Author - First Class The Magical Journey to Published Author The Magical Journey to Published Author