Bonjour ladies!
I’m so excited to invite you to a LIVE “Tele-soireé” that I’m hosting next week: “How to Courageously Give Yourself a Raise . . . and Feel Fabulous About It!”
* Do your friends or family shake their heads at you when you tell them how much (or how little) you’re charging for your services? (There’s a reason they do that, you know.)
* Do you feel awkward, uncomfortable, guilty, or worried about raising, or even setting, your prices? (And then end up feeling just a teeny bit resentful and taken advantage of.)
* Or do you know that it’s time to charge more, but you just haven’t gotten around to it yet? (You’ll be inspired to make it happen!)
For the woman who’s ready to increase her income and work with the most amazingly FUN clients who truly value her, her time and her expertise . . .
Join us next week for all the FUN