UpLevel Your Credibility. Increase Your Income.
Become a Trusted Authority.
Transform More Lives.
Isn’t it time you shared your talents with the world by writing and publishing your book? If you’ve never taken the leap before, or your next book is well overdue, now is the time . . .
One of the fastest ways to UpLevel your business and income is to UpLevel your credibility and visibility.
And few things will accomplish this like becoming the author of your published book.
How did that feel just now . . .
Did you get butterflies thinking about it?
Seeing your name on that beautiful cover.
Holding your message contained within, in your hands.
Signing a heartfelt inscription to one of your readers.
Adding the words, “author of _ _ _” to your bio, your introduction, your website.
Being invited to podcast, radio or television interviews and speaking gigs.
Raising your fees because now you’re seen as an authority.
Popping into your favorite bookstore and seeing YOUR book on the shelf.
That’s Right. Your Book!
Write a Book, and Suddenly a Whole New World Opens Up

Share Your Message with the Ones Who Need it
A book is your opportunity to transform the lives of your readers with the message you passionately want them to hear. You have their undivided attention and it will be like you’re their constant companion for several days.
Not only that, but you get to show them your knowledge and expertise, let your personality shine, and freely share your opinions. There really is no other vehicle quite like a book for getting your wisdom and know-how across . . .
More Attention, More Clients, More Money
So many opportunities and gateways can open up for the published author!
Your published book could . . .
- Be the foundation of your current business
- Be the launching pad of a whole new business
- Become the cornerstone of all of your packages, services and programs
- Be the avenue for your readers to get familiar with your message and style, and hungry to work with you
- Open the doors for live event speaking engagements
- Position you for invitations for podcast inverviews, joint ventures and telesummits
- Place you in view of media attention when the press look for subject matter experts
- Lead you to publish a series of books, solidifying your authority status
- Further establish your credibility and confidence to raise your fees
- UpLevel your brand persona and celebrity, especially if you love the limelight!
But even if you’re an introvert and the thought of taking the stage is akin to highdiving off of a skyscraper, a published book is the perfect avenue for the homebody to access the opportunities above online from the comfort of her laptop!
This all translates to more clients, more lives transformed and more money!
BUT . . .
You Actually Have To Write The Book First

The Sobering Truth . . .
No one ever got called up to appear on Oprah because she thought about writing a book. No one will invite you to speak at their next event because you’re planning to write a book. No one will pay you more because you might write a book someday.
You have to actually write the book.
And that’s where it all falls apart for so many people. Maybe even you . . .
Have these thoughts been standing between you and YOUR book?
- I don’t have time.
- I don’t know what to write about.
- I don’t know how to write a book.
- Why would anybody read my book anyway?
- I don’t know how to start.
- I don’t have the energy.
- I’m not a great writer.
- Writing is just for fun / not important / frivolous
- I have too many ideas to choose from.
- I don’t know how to organize all my thoughts so they make sense.
- I don’t have the discipline.
- I probably won’t make any money with my books.
- I don’t have the money make this happen.
- The whole publishing/marketing process seems so overwhelming.
- What if people don’t approve of what I have to share?
- I don’t have any support from those close to me.
- I’m afraid to be vulnerable.
- I don’t know if I’ll be able to focus long enough to complete it.
- Who am I to write this book / tell this story?
- I’ve wasted too much time – it’s already too late.
- What if I’m not “expert enough”?
- Everything I want to say has already been written (by people way more famous/important/doing this longer than I).
Guess what, lovely one? These things no longer need to stand in your way!
Let me ask you: How long has it been since you knew you wanted to write this book?
Because let’s face it. There will never be a “perfect time” to fulfill that dream – BUT . . .
What If I Told You This Will Be the Year You Hold Your Book in Your Hands?

YES! It IS possible for you!
The mystery and uncertainty about how you’re going to pull it off . . . Solved!
The doubts and fears about your abilities (or readiness) to write your book . . . Eradicated!
Instead of spinning your wheels in isolation and confusion, you’re . . . Supported & Connected!
The overwhelm from thinking about all the moving parts required for publishing and marketing . . . Evaporated!
I’m Melissa Williams-Pope and I’d Love to Show You How
You need someone who’s not only walked the journey herself as an author, but has led others along the path. Someone who can focus on all the strategy of book creation, publication and launching, and also has the wisdom and years of experience as a Mindset Mastery Coach to mentor you through the internal journey of authorship, as well. I’ve been coaching writers for almost a decade now and entrepreneurs for several years, and one thing I know to be true is that the internal journey of the author and entrepreneur is just as important (almost more so) than external strategy.
Fortunately with me, you get both!
And I’d love to show you how . . .

The Magical! Journey to Published Author
A 6-Month Guided Group Experience Taking You From Inspired Idea to Published Book . . . by Summer!
This program is a holistic, 6-month experience that looks at more than just the nuts and bolts of writing, publishing and launching a book, but also emphasizes the importance of nurturing you as an author, while surrounding you with a supportive community, so that instead of clawing your way across the finish line, you’re joyfully pirouetting!
It’s completely unlike any other book publishing program out there!
Just have a look . . .
The Pillars of This Comprehensive & Unique Experience

What Makes This Program So Unique?
First, this is SO MUCH MORE than a program. THIS IS AN EXPERIENCE!
There are tons of “Become a published author in 30 days” or “90 days,” but seriously, let’s be real for a second. Unless you want to sequester yourself away from society in a hovel in the woods and do nothing else, that’s probably not going to happen.
You have a life. A business to run. A family to love on. Come on!
This Experience takes all of that into account! AND along with being incredibly comprehensive (no question will go unanswered), there is a MASSIVE amount of support built in because we focus on YOU. The whole you. What YOU personally really need to be successful . . . way beyond, “What do you think of my title?”
(Although we’ll definitely look at your title, too!)
Read on to see what I mean . . .
Pillar 1: The Confident, Successful, Transformed Author
Success in anything is mainly down to mindset (some would say up to 90%!). All of those beliefs that completely STOP authors and aspiring authors from moving forward with their books (often before they even start) are beliefs that you probably have struggled with, too.
Well, this is NOT just about the how-to’s, templates and checklists (don’t worry, we WILL get to those – promise!), but this program is a guided EXPERIENCE totally different from so many other programs because there is a great emphasis placed on your PERSONAL INTERNAL TRANSFORMATION. Who do you need to become in order to start, follow through, finish and promote your book?
This pillar is all about your FREEDOM to be the published author and to create the book in your heart.
With this Freedom and Transformation you will . . .
✓✓ Overcome any fears, doubts, beliefs (like the voice of your inner critic telling you you’re not good enough!) and unhelpful habits so they no longer keep you holding back
✓✓ Uncover your personal procrastination + resistance triggers and how to move past them so you can keep going
✓✓ Discover the real source of any writer’s block so that it no longer has to be an issue for you
✓✓ Get your family and those closest to you on board with your writing/publishing goals, so instead of feeling undermined and discouraged, you feel supported and respected
✓✓ Create your personal boundaries plan to protect your time and energy so you can stay the course and finish strong (as you nurture your heart as a creator)
Bonus: Encouraging and inspirational audios and videos, journaling exercise worksheets and affirmational printables
Pillar 2: Book Creation & Publication
This is where we focus on the nuts and bolts, THE STRATEGY of your writing and publication plan – and you will be guided and supported every step of the way!
Through Each Phase . . .
✓✓ The Research Phase: Answer the most important questions, not only for the content and credibility of your book, but so that you know without a doubt that there is a market for it and how to reach them.
✓✓ The Structure Phase: Ascertain the purpose and design and organize the structure of each chapter, learn the fiction technique that keeps your book a flowing page-turner, understand the necessary “legal” and “housekeeping” elements to include and plan your calls to action.
✓✓ The Writing Phase: Use the magic of your Core Archetype to craft writing that speaks directly to your reader. Learn how to incorporate the three narrative styles into your work to keep your reader engaged, create your perfectly tailored writing schedule (that’s built for consistent acceleration, but takes your real life into account!) and decipher the exact things you need to keep you purposeful, motivated and on task.
✓✓ The Editing Phase: Create a plan for each element of the editing phase, understand when and how to proof and self-edit, when and how to engage beta readers, and when and how to employ professionals (and where to find them!).
✓✓ The Design + Formatting Phase: My top advice to you – Do NOT put a book out there with a “cringe-worthy” cover (most people choose your book based on cover design alone – it’s THAT important!). In this phase, learn all of the elements that can make or break your cover design, uncover the ins and outs of proper book formatting and decide whether to DIY (do-it-yourself) or hire an expert. Bonus: Comprehensive Judge a Book By It’s Cover Training!
✓✓ The Publication Phase: Learn and decide among the three paths you can take to see your book published (and why I’m such a strong advocate of one of them in particular!); but regardless of the direction you choose, you will understand the steps of each path that you need to take to see your book in print (in your hands!) and/or online. Exciting!
Bonus: There are A LOT of moving parts to this process, but I’ll have you covered with blueprints, templates, worksheets AND recommendations to take all the guesswork out of each phase and answer your most common book creation + publication questions so you feel CONFIDENT and assured that YES you CAN do this!
No author left behind!
Pillar 3: Connection & Community
Isolation is where dreams go to die! Safety in numbers. No man is an island . . .
Whatever your favorite maxim, truth or cliché, there is POWER in connecting with a group of likeminded, supportive women who are on the exact same journey as you are.
I’ve created such a community in The Inspired Author Society Salon! This is not just some Facebook group where you get lost in the crowd . . .
This is a dedicated, online space for DAILY accountability, support and coaching using a proprietary software created and designed to help writers stay motivated and keep their progress accelerated as they move ever forward.
In The Society Salon you have . . .
✓✓ A personal, daily progress page to stay accountable with every aspect of your writing journey and a place where your book creation “Circle Sisters” and I can visit to encourage, support and coach you
✓✓ Fascinating graphs to help you monitor things like your word count, time spent on various book creation/promotion activities and even how you’re feeling from day to day!
✓✓ A dedicated forum to ask and answer questions, get news and updates, engage in ongoing discussions, and share and celebrate with the wider community
✓✓ Live, “Get-it-Done” Productivity Parties where at least once a week, we’ll all come together for a timed writing sprint or to work on something you might have been procrastinating on. By far one of the most fun activities in the Salon!
✓✓ Private chat rooms where you can have real-time discussions, share tips and encouragement, create Sister Circle challenges, hold virtual café writing or purposeful productivity dates, and more!
✓✓ Access to all the training materials that are part of the program, so everything is in one, easy to find place
The Society Salon really is the FOUNDATION for your success for every step of your journey. Very few other programs offer this level of support.
I’m so excited to offer it as a Key Component of the Experience!
(Total Worth Almost $2000!!)
Promotional Plan Bonus Module (Worth $997)
Most people leave creating a platform and the buzz about their book until the very end, but this is a dreadful mistake! That’s why I’ve included this complete Promotional Plan Bonus Module to set you up for success from the very beginning.
Promotion needs to happen even before you write the first word, and with the knowledge you gain and the decisions you make while focusing on this Bonus Module, you’ll create your personal, doable promotional plan.
In this Bonus Training + Coaching you’ll learn and decide . . .
✓✓ How to use the magic of your Core Archetype to craft content marketing pieces that resonate with your ideal reader
✓✓ The best way for you to get your book into the hands of those who need and want it the most
✓✓ How to create buzz and interest from the very beginning
✓✓ Which online AND offline strategies are the very best for spreading the word and getting people excited about your book
✓✓ How to get reviews and endorsements (worth their weight in GOLD!)
✓✓ How to plan your Virtual Book Tour
✓✓ How to employ a content and social media marketing strategy that’s beautifully aligned with your book’s theme
✓✓ How to easily intersperse your marketing and promotional efforts with your book creation schedule
✓✓ How to launch in alignment with your goals and personality
Extra bonuses: Content marketing + social media marketing scheduling templates, checklists and worksheets to keep you on track, done-for-you emails to send to reviewers and interviewers, press release templates and launch strategy templates!
Bonus Success Trainings (Worth $400)
✓✓ Time to Write: How to Fit Writing into Your Already Jam Packed Day and Take Control of Your Time. In this essential audio training and workbook you will tackle the aspiring author’s greatest obstacle . . . finding time to write! Packed with exercises and creative tips, you’ll be amazed at how your productivity will soar as you discover that you actually DO have time to write!
✓✓ Inspired to Write. Two 10-minute inspirational + instructional audios to listen to whenever you need encouragement and inspiration that this really IS worth it and you DO have a message to share that people need. Because trust me, those times will come!
✓✓ Judge a Book by Its Cover! Did you know that your cover is one of the most powerful deciding factors as to whether someone will take a chance on you book . . . or pass it right by? In this training with accompanying worksheets + checklist, you’ll . . .
- Learn the eight elements that guarantee a winning cover and how to make sure yours fits the bill
- Craft a powerful title and subtitle that gets noticed and speaks right to your ideal reader
- Know what to look for when outsourcing your cover design (DO NOT scrimp on this!)
- Avoid the most common mistakes of “cringe-worthy” covers
- Get my personal feedback before approving your design
(Worth $400!)
Private 60-Min Bonus Call with Me (Worth $500)
IF YOU BOOK BY SATURDAY, YOU WILL RECEIVE A BONUS PRIVATE 60-MIN “AUTHOR SUCCESS BREAKTHROUGH” SESSION WITH ME DURING ORIENTATION WEEK! You will get a full hour with me totally focused on YOU and YOUR DREAM where we’ll identify any obstacles (both internally and externally) to your writing and book creation success, and create personalized action steps to start you off with HUGE inspiration and clarity.
(Worth $500!)
“Melissa’s coaching style is powerful and transformative, yet calm and supportive.”
Kelly Swaby“If you REALLY want breakthrough, if you’re ready to do the work . . . Melissa Williams-Pope is the coach I would say you would invest in.“
Erica Michelle
How You'll Be Supported

Lots of Interaction & Support
The plan doesn’t work unless you do! That’s why you’ll create your personalized writing and platform building plan from the very beginning so you know exactly what to do, every day you’ve allotted to work on your book.
No confusion. No overwhelm.
And all the fun begins the second week of January!! Exciting!
You will receive . . .
✓✓ 1 x 90-minute Orientation Kickstart group call (Recording will be available.)
This Action-Packed Orientation Call is one of the most important of all because we will be concentrating on your Foundation for Success!:
- How to stay motivated in the months to come
- Creating your writing and implementation schedule
- How to be most productive and consistent with your time (Hint: if it’s not written down, it’s not real!)
- Establishing firm, loving boundaries with others (and yourself) to protect your consistency practice
- The mindset you need to cultivate for success – I can’t emphasize how essential this is!
- Forging lasting and supportive connection with you Sister Circle of authors
- And of course we won’t forget to touch on the ins and outs of navigating The Society Salon!
And then there will be . . .
✓✓ 12 x 60 to 90-minute Live Q & A / group coaching calls, every other week beginning in Week 2 (Recording will be available.)
✓✓ 12 x Implementation weeks every other week to focus on applying your new learning and accelerating your productivity
✓✓ 6 months of access in The Society Salon for daily accountability and inspiration
✓✓ Training videos, audios and worksheets
✓✓ All the Results-Boosting Bonus trainings, templates, checklists and done-for-you adaptable materials
✓✓ Tons of loving support to make this a fun and joyful experience!
✓✓✓✓ PRIVATE 60-MIN “AUTHOR SUCCESS FOUNDATION” BREAKTHROUGH SESSION WITH ME DURING ORIENTATION WEEK! You will get a full hour with me totally focused on YOU and YOUR DREAM where we’ll identify any obstacles (both internally and externally) to your writing and book creation success, and create personalized success steps to start you off with HUGE inspiration and clarity. (WORTH $500!!) (Only available if you sign up by SATURDAY DECEMBER 31ST.)
What They’re Saying . . .
“It couldn’t have happened without you . . . I appreciate you more than words can express.“
Thanks, Melissa Williams, who challenged me to set the time aside to write and helped me to come up with a plan! You are an amazing coach . . . “So glad it’s finally done!” . . . It couldn’t have happened without you . . . I appreciate you more than words can express.
Kari Browning

“Her insight and clarity have helped me both as a writer and in my own personal journey.”
The writer’s program was a great opportunity to sit under great coaching and really focus on the ‘why’ of my writing. The group sessions were great for sharing ideas, working through solutions and being able to encourage other writers; as well as finding encouragement for myself.
The process was highly valuable in streamlining my thoughts and approach, enabling me to be more productive in my writing time. I found a deeper sense of personal satisfaction with the quality of writing that I produced, and found my ‘voice’. If you are wanting to take your writing to the next level, or just jumpstart your writing altogether, coaching with Melissa will help get you where you want to be.
As a busy mum of 4 . . . it’s been a privilege to sit under both Melissa’s teaching and personal one-on-one coaching. Melissa can get to the heart of a matter in an affirming, encouraging way while still being able to offer challenge and growth – not always an easy combination. Her insight and clarity have helped me both as a writer and in my own personal journey. Melissa can see the gold in a person, before they even see it in themselves, and can draw it out of them. If you are want to see growth in any area of your life, I highly recommend getting alongside Melissa. To use her words: You are worth the investment.
Lorinda Frank
“In a few short weeks, I will have a hard copy print of my very first book!! Thank you Melissa!!!!”
When Melissa and I first met, I not only couldn’t see the forest for the trees, I couldn’t even get to the forest! I was scattered in so many different directions, I was doing nothing well. She first helped me target the WHAT I wanted to do. This was seriously a miracle in itself.
Once I determined finishing the book was my WHAT, Melissa helped me determine the HOW. For me, the how usually stopped me in my tracks because I got overwhelmed in the details which led to making zero progress. My mindset was that I didn’t have time to write everyday. And I didn’t have time to sit for hours and write everyday, that was fact.
I had started writing a book years earlier and never had the time or focus to finish it. But when Melissa coached me, everything shifted. I had also been struggling with how to describe the book. In one of our sessions, Melissa helped coin the subtitle that is now on my book!
I always had a dream of writing a book but never knew what to do with it once it was written. Melissa was a HUGE part of helping me determine which publishing direction was right for me. Because she has personally walked the journey, she had the knowledge and experience to lead me in the right direction instead of me wasting time researching something I didn’t know anything about.
Within 30 days my book was finalized and in the hands of an editor. And, in a few short weeks, I will have a hard copy print of my very first book!! Thank you Melissa!!!!
Melinda Gordon
Common Questions . . .
What if I'm not sure what book I want to write?
If you really have NO idea but KNOW you’re feeling called to write a book this year, you’re welcome to book a Book Brainstorming Session with me (these are SO fun and only $197 when you’re a part of The Journey to Published Author Experience!). I have helped multi-passionate, full-of-ideas writers to narrow down, so I know it can be done! Just send an email to info (at) melissawilliamspope.com and we’ll set it up. 🙂
What if I want to be traditionally published?
Why? Because you have CONTROL over your work – the content, when it’s published and released and how much money you can make from it. The rights are 100% yours. And these days, many people start their book off as self-published, do exceptionally well and THAT gets the attention of agents and traditional publishers!
But remember, you still have to write the book! So look at The Magical! Journey to Published Author as your way in to make all of that happen.
And I will be providing a bonus Proposal Template for those of you who do want to go that route in the end.
Will you read, proofread or edit my writing?
Will you help me write my content?
What if it's going to take me longer than 6 months to finish my book?
During our time together you will develop and maintain amazing consistency habits that will not only stay with you throughout the time you create your book, but will probably change your life going forward! The emphasis on your mindset will be transformational for every area of your life. And by creating your author platform from the very beginning, you will be building the kind of buzz that causes your readers to continually express how they can’t wait for your book to be released – which is highly motivating!
In short, even if you don’t finish or launch your book within our six months together, you will be creating a priceless foundation for success, while accelerating your progress more than you ever thought possible! (And don’t be surprised if you DO finish it by summer!!) 😉
What if I want to join, but I'm nervous, unsure or just downright scared?
(And speaking of boats, if you want to walk on water, you’ll have to get out of YOUR boat.)
Plus I spend a lot of time weaving that mindset support throughout the program, so I don’t just cover it in Week 1 and then leave you to your own devices for the rest of the six months. We’ve got you! 😉
What if I want to join, but I'm sooo busy?
But knowing that most plates are pretty full, I specifically chose to create an Experience that gives you six months – as opposed to those 30 or 90-day book writing programs out there. I just don’t believe they take a full life’s commitments into account.
One of the powerful affirmations that my clients often focus on is: “I have all the time I need to do what I want to do.” And if this is what you really want, then you do and you will!
Can I upgrade to First Class after I've already registered?

We would LOVE to welcome you into the First Class Lounge and give you all of the extras and special treatment your membership will afford you!
Just scroll down to see everything you’ll enjoy . . .
What if I have other questions?
We’d love to help!
The Time to UpLevel Your Impact, Credibility and Income with Your Book is NOW

Don’t Waste Another Minute Wishing and Dreaming!
You can continue to spin in confusion, overwhelm and isolation . . .
While the ones desperate for your message, your transformation, your hope, your inspiration, wait for you . . .
OR you can TAKE ACTION TODAY by joining this life- and business-changing, comprehensive, wholistic Group Coaching Experience . . .
Join The Magical Journey to Published Author Now!
(Total Value: $4,000)
However, I won’t ask you to invest NEARLY that! The investment for this comprehensive six month group program with all the extra trainings, bonuses and coaching is only $1,997.
Follow the link below and take that courageous step to join this fun and supportive Sister Circle community of fellow authors, and receive the guidance you need to make this book dream a REALITY this year!
Or Would You Prefer to Travel First Class?
(Worth $5,000!)
Receive access to EVERYTHING in The Magical Journey to Published Author PLUS
Upgrade to a Truly First Class Experience . . .
Exclusive Live Virtual Get-it-Done Intensives

Lifetime License to THE PREMIERE Writing Software

But this is more than useful just for your current book project . . . You will have lifetime access for any other writing you may do in the future!
Lifetime “Rockstar” Level Access to Learn Scrivener Fast

Enhanced VIP Coaching – Business or Personal Track (Or a Mix)

- Focus specifically on strategizing how your book fits into the overall picture of your business and as the cornerstone of further income generating opportunities
- Focus specifically on your personal internal journey as an author – clearing and breaking through any beliefs and fears showing up as Imposter Syndrome, fears of visibility (being seen) lack of confidence, fear of judgement, disrespected boundaries, etc.
- Or a mixture of the two – whatever serves you right where you are
Done for You Book Formatting and Cover Design

When you travel First Class on The Magical Journey to Published Author, my team will take care of the book formatting and cover design for you (*with your creative input, of course), ensuring that it’s done beautifully and accurately so you don’t have to worry about it! You’ll have your book all ready to be submitted to the various online avenues such as Amazon, Kobo, iBooks and Smashwords AND Amazon (CreateSpace) Print-on-Demand physical books, as well!
* Cover design includes up to three revisions.
Done for You Book Submissions

Not only will we handle your book formatting and cover design, once you’ve approved of everything, we will submit your manuscript to Amazon, Kobo, iBooks and Smashwords AND Amazon (CreateSpace) for your Print-on-Demand physical books, as well!!
A truly First Class Experience!
Total Investment for The Entire First Class Magical Journey to Published Author Experience . . .
(Worth $9,000!)
The Investment for the Entire 6-Month Experience + Upgrade to First Class is only $3,997
“If you want to take your writing to the next level, coaching with Melissa will help get there.”
Lorinda Frank
“In a few short weeks, I will have a hard copy print of my very first book!! Thank you Melissa!!!!”
Melinda Gordon
“It (finishing my book) couldn’t have happened without you . . . I appreciate you more than words can express.“
Kari Browning♥ My Promise to You . . .
Guarantee / Refund Policy
I fully stand by this program and believe that if you complete all of the exercises, stay consistent with your plan, connect with us in the group and do the work as directed, you’ll get results. Results WILL vary based on each individual’s circumstances and current progress at the start, and some of you will have your book published in the six months allotted, while some of you will be much closer than you ever dreamed possible! There is no income guarantee of any kind. If you fully participate in the program and do the work, but still don’t feel you’ve received any value or made any progress, I will cheerfully refund 100% of your investment.
IMPORTANT NOTE: To be eligible for a refund, you must submit all completed worksheets, checklists and schedules and show evidence of your consistent writing and marketing per your personally created schedule, including all of the materials you used to market and launch your book. Why? Because I know if you participate fully and do the work, you’ll get results. This Experience is for serious authors and aspiring authors only; please do not invest in the program if you just want to “have a look.” An enormous amount of my time, energy, attention and action has been invested into this program, and I expect you to do the same . . .