Somebody needs to hear this today: You have permission to relax.
* To recharge.
* To refuel.
* To fill the creative well.
* To stop “should-ing” on yourself.

The vast majority of women really struggle with making themselves a priority (it makes them feel bad), and then?

* They’re too drained/exhausted/depressed/anxious to even THINK about what they want, let alone strategize how to make it happen!

And you know what? Enough is enough. This is your ONE life. You’re worth it, but it’s really hard when you’ve put everyone before you for so long . . .

If you’re in that place right now (or your friend or sister is), I’d like to invite a select few lovely ladies to a powerful 1:1 coaching experience: The 90-minute, 1:1 “Me, Me, ME! Breakthrough Rendezvous.”

For free. No strings. My Christmas gift to you.

(And when I say no strings, I really mean it. After our time together, I’ll wish you well and you go carry on with life, armed with breakthrough and a plan.)

* We’ll create a personalized, tailor-made REFUELING plan for you so you can start next year with SPACE to look at what you really want.

I have made room for FOUR women between now and New Years Eve, but you MUST schedule your time in the next 24 HOURS.

Here’s where the fun begins:

I can’t wait!!


The Magical Journey to Published Author - First Class The Magical Journey to Published Author - First Class The Magical Journey to Published Author The Magical Journey to Published Author