
We’ve got to stop playing the, “Oh, it’s OK – I enjoy it,” card as a reason for undercharging and undervaluing our work – especially prevalent in the creative and transformational among us. Who said we can only charge well if...

Those Dreams That Make You Emotional

(Did you know that if something in this post speaks to you, you can highlight it and share? It’s easy! 🙂 ) Bonjour lovely! It’s still early morning as I write this. The blue skies that welcomed me when I first arrived have given way to a solid blanket of...

I can charge what my services are worth

Don’t let fear or guilt around charging what your services are worth hold you back from making the money you need and desire to fund the dreams in your heart. Lovely lady, you deserve to be compensated for the gifts you bring into the world! If you know that...
The Magical Journey to Published Author - First Class The Magical Journey to Published Author - First Class The Magical Journey to Published Author The Magical Journey to Published Author