Bonjour lovely!

Have you had the experience I had today? The one where you made a BIG leap or took a huge risk and then literally felt ill afterwards?

That would be me, oh, less than an hour ago.

I’ve taken a lot of risks in my life where I catapulted myself into the unknown, without guarantees and without a safety net . . .

Like the time I flew halfway around the world to “see about a guy,” because my deep, deep desire to find true love was greater than my fear about the money I was spending, the time away from work, how I would look to others, etc.

Or like the time I cashed out my 401K (my retirement account), very much against conventional wisdom, to MOVE to a country I’d never even been to before (New Zealand) with no plan and only one friend in the city I was going to, because my heart told me that where I was, I couldn’t stay . . .

Even though I had NO guarantees of things going well for me (and the chances of things going horribly wrong were red-alert HIGH) both of these massive leaps of faith (and many others) changed my life in the most amazing and wonderful ways.

As did ALL of my seemingly crazy (and some would call irresponsible) massive, course-altering decisions!

In unexpected ways? Yes. That guy I flew around to world to “see about” wasn’t THE ONE, but that journey gave me tons of side benefits – other heart friendships and unlooked-for opportunities. Be open to the unexpected outcome of your brave and bold actions.

So, dear one, I’ve taken a lot of risks in my life. I’ve given myself many chances to step out in faith.

WHY? Because it’s the ONLY way to see exceptional dreams fulfilled, to achieve success in business, to make a big difference in the world, to find and keep a forever love.

Always looking for a “sure thing” is a “sure way” to keep you playing small and living a life where the neglected dreams inside you die a slow and quiet death.

I so do NOT want that for you. And if you’re reading this, you know that that’s not meant for you either.

So today I made some investments that my heart told me were the right next steps for my business, but the minute I hit the proverbial “submit” button, I felt sick to my stomach. All the thoughts started screaming:
* What if this doesn’t work?
* What if I don’t have what it takes?
* What if I just end up proving all the people right who didn’t believe I could be successful at anything?
* What if I lose my investment?
What if? What if? WHAT IF??

You know what I’m talking about, don’t you?

I felt that fear (boy, did I ever!), but with quivering finger on the keypad, I pushed that button anyway. (And yeah, I’m still shaking a bit!) 

Because I DECIDED that I was going to be the woman who didn’t let the screaming fears and visible circumstances paralyze me . . .

And I’m committed to do what it takes to see my own business and life dreams come true.

I’m seriously not interested in regretting the things I didn’t do.

Why am I sharing this very personal experience with you (in real time, I might add!)?

I want you to know that I would never encourage you to do something I’m not prepared to do myself.

Maybe you’ve read lots of book and blogs, tried some home study courses or even group coaching programs, but you KNOW that if you were just able to have somebody support you in a 1:1 coaching relationship every week (or during a half or day-long live or virtual intensive), it would make a world of difference to everything you’re trying to achieve, become and step into.

The successful woman knows she needs support, does whatever it takes to get it and then gets accelerated results.

The stubborn woman believes she can do it all by herself, and then takes an unnecessarily loooooong time (sometimes years) to live the life she’s after. (Oh, non!)

I’ve tried it both ways, and can say, hand on heart, that the “supported woman method” is by far the quickest path to lifestyle and business transformation!

If you’ve been on the fence about finding out if I can support you to take those BIG, massive leaps in your own life, here is my nudge to get in touch.

Because the investment to work with me will increase. (Current clients who wish to extend can do so at the current investment if they lock in now.)

I want you to have every opportunity to invest in yourself (you’re worth it, you know!) before the increase, so if this is calling you, join me for a complimentary Inspiration Conversation (lately becoming affectionately known as the “Hour of Power!”) 😉 . CLICK HERE to Schedule Your Inspiration Conversation.

Now is the time to be the decisive woman who takes a stand for her dreams!
Melissa, you changed my life in our first 45 minutes together, magically reading in between my words to reveal my inner blocks to success, ones I didn’t even know I had! How you supported me was more valuable than I could have ever imagined. There is so much love and power in your words and I just want you to know you are unbelievably talented and destined to help people find and release their fear, confidence, money mindset or any kind of blocks, and strategise, so they can have the success they desire.” – Joanna Gondek,
You’ve read this far for a reason, lovely.

So even if you’re just a little bit curious, let’s have a chat! At the very least, when we say good-bye, you’ll feel so full of faith and hope that your dreams are not only possible, but inevitable, that you’ll be infused with a new passion to take some big leaps of your own.

ALL of your desires matter, whether they involve travel or location independence, philanthropy, big income goals, high level success, regular pampering, buying a home . . . They’re in your heart for a reason.

I can’t wait to celebrate them and strategize their fulfillment with you!


PS.  I’ll leave you with one of my favourite quotes: “‘It’s impossible,’ said Pride. ‘It’s risky,’ said Experience. ‘It’s pointless,’ said Reason. ‘Give it a try,’ whispered the HEART.” Whose voice are YOU going to listen to? Xx
The Magical Journey to Published Author - First Class The Magical Journey to Published Author - First Class The Magical Journey to Published Author The Magical Journey to Published Author