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Bonjour lovely!

It’s still early morning as I write this. The blue skies that welcomed me when I first arrived have given way to a solid blanket of fluffy white, and the wind-swept trees sprinkle their reddish golden leaves like confetti floating down onto the street below.

Autumn is my favourite time of year.

But autumn in Europe? Yes, please!

Hard to believe that I’ve spent a very eventful week in London already . . .

I love it here.

The bustle of the city as I make my way hither and yon.

The sound of the tube.

The carelessly cool fashion sense.

Being reunited with friends I left behind.

Being reunited with my dream of living on this side of the world again . . .

Hmm . . .

And now the tears come!

This is a first. I don’t usually get so emotional when I write to you – ha!

But that’s what a dream is like, isn’t it?

It burrows deep into your heart – sometimes so deep that in the ho hum of everyday life, you might forget it’s there.

And then, you read something. Or see something on TV or on social media. Or hear something in conversation.

Or unexpected words might make their way from your pen onto your journal . . .

And squeeze your heart.

And you remember. You know . . .

Those dreams are still alive.

Your dreams were not given to you to lie dormant, buried under layers of fear and excuses, but to explore and experience in this one life bestowed upon you to steward.

So often, we women feel it’s selfish or frivolous to pursue the dreams in our hearts.

But, lovely, let me tell you, the opposite is true. I believe it’s selfish NOT to pursue your dreams.

There’s someone out there waiting for the book you want to write . . .

Or forever friends you haven’t met yet who need you to pluck up your courage and relocate . . .

There’s a young girl in an audience who needs to be inspired by your performance . . .

A couple you’re meant to encourage when they stay at your beautiful bed and breakfast . . .

A humanitarian cause that might shut down without the generosity of the wealth you’re meant to create from your business . . .

And there’s YOU, who needs to know that you’ve got what it takes to make it happen and you’re worth the investment in yourself to make it happen (not to mention how amazing it feels to be following your heart and actually embodying the dream!).

You may never know the ripple effect you’re meant to have from pursuing your dreams, but I assure you, there IS one.

So what will you do? Put it off until the “time is right”?

If you’re reading this, THE TIME IS RIGHT, RIGHT NOW.

2015 is almost at an end. Why not make 2016 the most thrilling and happy and exciting and deeply fulfilling one ever?

I would be honoured if you would allow me to put all of my training and experience and passion as a Dream Fulfillment Architect and Strategist to use in the service of the dreams in your heart . . .

Whether it’s a business dream, a lifestyle dream, a dream relationship, a specific dream project or all of the above, one of MY dreams is to help you make it happen.

We’ll create a personalized, step-by-step blueprint just for you.

And I’ll be with you, supporting you and championing you every step of the way! After 12 weeks you can expect to:

  • Receive phenomenal clarity on your deep desires and what this season for you is meant to be about
    • (No more floundering in doubt, indecision and confusion for YOU!)
  • Achieve massive money breakthroughs
    • (Finally understand what’s held you back from making more money AND have a creative plan to create more!)
  • Have a personalized lifestyle and/or business path, tailored to your unique personality, giftings and zones of genius
    • (One size DOES NOT fit all in my world!)
  • Be amazed at the excitingly fun transformation your life has taken
    • (I promise you will be utterly amazed at how far you’ve come in such a short time!)

Intrigued, ma cherie?

Let’s have a chat about it! Why not grab one of my limited Inspiration Conversation openings while I’m traveling through Europe? (I’m off to Paris tonight!)

I’m SO looking forward to toasting all of your brilliant successes (Finding the love of your life? Business success? One woman show perhaps?).

Here I am champagning at The Ritz in London in expectation of your news! >>

Au revoir!


PS. It really is true, lovely, the tragedy of life is not death, but what we let die inside of us while we live. Don’t let that be your story. 
The Magical Journey to Published Author - First Class The Magical Journey to Published Author - First Class The Magical Journey to Published Author The Magical Journey to Published Author