Thrilling and exotic laptop lifestyle
Thrilling and exotic laptop lifestyle
Thrilling and exotic laptop lifestyle

By Melissa Williams-Pope
Today I’m living the thrilling and exotic laptop lifestyle.
For I’m coming to you live from . . . my local library. 😉
I wish I could say it was for a change of scenery . . .
But really, the internet in our neighbourhood went down and I had to seek wifi elsewhere.
Sooooo I packed it all up (including my comfy pink stripey socks) and headed out.
I wasn’t going to let this disruption come between us!
Now I could’ve put this into what New Zealanders here call the “Too Hard Basket.”
I could’ve thrown up my hands and turned on Netflix.
Scratch that – no internet!
Ok, I could’ve said, “Oh, well. Guess it wasn’t meant to be today!” and grabbed the current YA fantasy novel I’m totally into right now . . .
(It’s a retelling of The Nutcracker.)
And while setting up camp at the local library is an easy workaround, sometimes the obstacles aren’t so surmountable.
Especially when you’re feeling like you’re desperate for some clarity and direction, but you’re spinning around in circles.
How can you possibly move forward then?
Or when you know what you SHOULD do. Even what you WANT to do . . .
But for some reason, you just aren’t. Or you just can’t.
And you don’t know why.
But one thing you DO know . . .
You can’t keep going on like this.
Talking it over and over with your friends, your sister, your mom, your man . . .
While it gives you that temporary (albeit counterfeit) feeling that you’re getting somewhere, deep down you’re starting to see it for what it is.
Plus, you’re still no closer to the business you want. Nor the life that you want.
And so you decide. Every day.
Do something different?
Or keep it all in the “Too Hard Basket”?
If today is the day you find your courage and decide to stop spinning . . .
Then it’s time to bite the bullet and get support.
Apply for one of my Exploration Conversations HERE
We’ll uncover what’s holding you back from moving forward and being seen in your business the way you truly desire to. (And we’ll probably have some laughs!)