Yes, Melissa! I want access to someone who’s practically a
“Coach on Call” to be with me every step of the way!
Because I’m ready to 
partner with someone …
Because I’m ready to 
partner with someone …
Who will support me with:
All the while being guided toward:

Melissa Coaches Angi
on overcoming fear of putting herself
“out there”:
Melissa Coaches Sofie
on keeping the momentum high after recent income breakthrough:
Let’s . . .
Finish that book! Launch that program! Take action on that idea! Stop the self-sabotage! And the negative self-talk!
You know you’re meant for more, beautiful one . . .
You don’t have to do it alone.
Just 1 Payment of
Two monthly payments of $579!
Truly Unlimited Coaching & Support Towards Being:
- The most POWERFUL ME – in alignment, mindset mastered, clear and confident
- The most ease-fully PRODUCTIVE ME – taking continuous, inspired action towards my most exciting business and life goals (and feeling great about it!)
- The most PROSPEROUS ME – by getting coached on my “money stuff,” as well as how I’ll be flourishing in the other areas of my business and life that I choose to focus on
30-minute “Let’s Get This Party Started” Initial Session
Momentum Steps on Each Call
UNLIMITED 15-Minute Laser Coaching Sessions
Email Support If I Need Help with My Momentum Steps
I’ll also have access to Four Beautiful BONUS Trainings (not available anywhere else right now) centered around:
- Getting into alignment by discovering my Unique Success Identity
- Pursuing my divine and purposeful passion projects
- Strategically fun and ease-ful goal-setting strategies
- Money mindset mastering
(Warning! Will Cause Clarity, Momentum and Breakthrough!)

Total Value $3,497 
But for This Introductory Offer
Just 1 Payment of
Two monthly payments of $579!
Got Questions? I’ve Got Answers!
Is it truly unlimited?
When does the program start and end?
When can I book my sessions?
The only real “rule” of this unlimited coaching game is that you must complete your momentum steps before scheduling your next session. This keeps you accountable and moving toward your goals.
But don’t worry, I’ve got you covered with email support to help you make it happen, and if you change your goal or need a new strategy, you can let me know and we’ll set up another call with different momentum steps. I’m not here to hold you up, I’m here to help you succeed!
And hey, if you complete the steps that day, schedule your next call that very same day!
Is there a guarantee?
Moving forward, as there are a multitude of variables from client to client, results may vary widely and there can never be any guarantees of particular outcomes. Some clients experience ideal results very quickly and others will experience their results more slowly. Everyone is on their own journey and if you show up consistently and do the work, you will see results!
I believe wholeheartedly in your desire for, and commitment to, success. In my commitment to support you powerfully and loyally to that end, I do not provide refunds for any reason.
What if I'm not ready to start?
Is 15 minutes really enough for a coaching session?
Will the momentum steps be super hard?
What if I have more questions?
How would it feel to know that someone’s going to be with you every step of the way through the beginning of next year?
Comforting? Empowering? Just plain awesome? Yeah!
I want that for you!
Last Time Introductory Offer
Four Months of UNLIMITED Coaching
Just 1 Payment of
Two monthly payments of $579!
“Only a month into our program – I raised my prices by almost 400% and had my first 5k month!”
Gwen TeskeVanessa went from overwhelmed, stressed and hiding from her true calling – to absolute clarity, excitement and confidence in her business direction.
“Working with Melissa was the best business and personal investment I have made. I was totally blown away.”
Vanessa V Ferreira“If you REALLY want breakthrough, if you’re ready to do the work . . . Melissa Williams-Pope is the coach I would say you would invest in.“
Erica Michelle
“I booked 3 new clients and tripled my income for the month! I also ended up nearly selling out my recent retreat!”
Sofie Von Marricks“With Melissa’s support, I now have several online programs in development, am building my 1on1 coaching practice and have booked my first speaking gig!”
Sandra“Melissa was able to bring out what was already inside and make sense of it all, which is something I never would have been able to do on my own.”
Jenny WeigallWe’ll then create doable, fun, ease-ful plans of action to get you where you want to be. Way faster then doing it alone. (Everything’s more fun with a friend, right? 🙂 )
After spending a decade coaching happy clients all around the world, I’ve got a mighty Mary Poppins-sized bag of tools to support you. You know you’re meant for more – so let’s have some fun giving you your “Most Powerful, Productive and Prosperous Year-End EVER!”