Has there ever been a time . . .
When you were drawn to step out, or try something new, but something inside felt, “off”?
And the more you listened to that feeling . . .
The more your mind filled up with reasons why it wasn’t a good idea?
This must not be the right opportunity, right time, right person, etc.
So you let it go, didn’t step into it, said no . . .
Only to discover that what you THOUGHT was WISDOM . . .
What you THOUGHT was INTUITION . . .
Was really just FEAR in disguise!
Just trying to keep you hidden, or keep you comfy and cozy, or trying to keep you “safe,” but it was fear nonetheless.

Lady Maria de Fauconbridge + Lord Longeville of Navarre Disclaimer: Husband’s totally ok with it. 😉
This happened to me several months ago when auditions for Shakespeare’s Love’s Labours Lost came up.
If you’ve known me for a nanosecond, you know that storytelling through writing and acting is one of my absolute passions.
BUT I almost said no to this experience because I was “sooooooo busy” with my business. And rehearsals and performances can take up a lot of time.
Wisdom, right?
Well, lucky for me, I saw that this was actually just FEAR telling me that I wouldn’t be able to handle the energy and time commitment . . .
Because it’s been THE BEST GIFT to refill my creative well, get me out from behind the computer and hey . . .
Who wouldn’t want to don beautiful gowns and fall in love with a handsome Lord three or four nights a week? (wink!)
Now . . . for about 8 months, I’ve been tug-of-warring with another nudge . . .
But the same “wisdom,” the same “intuition,” has been whispering to me to say no to this particular desire (“It will deplete you,” it threatened).
Yet, the nudge hasn’t gone away.
After 8 months, it’s safe to say it’s here to stay.
Last week, I allowed myself to dream . . . the more I did, the more excited I became!
The ideas came fast and furious and FUN!
So yesterday I did something about it . . .
I created the newest playground for online women entrepreneurs on a mission to prove: “The More Fun I Have, the More Mon ey I Make!”
And now I would love to invite you to be a part of it!
It’s called The Entrepreneurial Fun Zone – and it’s free! 🙂
You can expect:
- Fun ‘n’ Games weeks (Challenges + Experiences) on a variety of inner and outer Game topics to build your business while you focus on play, celebration, alignment and “filling the well”
- The weekly “Agenda-o-Fun”
- All the general merriment, connection and breakthroughs this community will create
Woo hoo!
And I so hope you decide to be a part of it, because you never know…
Your newest biz bestie might be there . . .
Your biggest breakthrough might be there . . .
Your next client might be there . . .
And I’d be totally jumping-up-and-down to have the chance to get to know and love you better.
PS. Sound like your kinda place? Join us!