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I Saved for a Dress Before There Was a Groom

YES! My actual dream wedding dress!

Yes, you read that right! I started a savings account for my wedding BEFORE I even knew who my husband was.

Before I met him.

When I was still single and people were encouraging me to accept the fact that I may never get married.

So, with no right guy in sight, with people close to me doubting that Mr. Right WOULD appear, why would I still save for this wedding that there was NO indication of ever happening?

And furthermore, why would I thank God every day for this husband that had not appeared yet?

Because I believed. Here’s the magic formula:

  • I had a deep, non-negotiable desire to find true love and get married.
  • I only spoke and thought positively about the EVENTUALITY (not the mere possibility) of my marriage.
  • I was thankful in advance for my desire coming to pass.
  • I took tangible action steps to “act as if” the wedding was happening by investing my mone-y where my heart was.

If you’ve read my book, Love is Out There,  you’d know it didn’t happen overnight. I had to stay true to my course for years. But it DID happen! (And he’s just totally WOW!)

Now I know when there’s a dream in your heart that has been there for a long while, its SO hard to keep believing when the externals around you seem to convey that it’ll never happen for you.

However, it’s VITAL to acknowledge the INTERNAL things that could be hindering you from realizing your deep desires and moving towards them.

Things like:

  • Excuses: “I don’t have the time to go after this,” “I don’t have the money,” or, “I’m just not disciplined enough.”
  • Beliefs: “I don’t have what it takes,” “I should’ve started years ago, but now it’s too late,” “I can’t charge THAT; nobody would pay,” or “This is just the way life is supposed to be for me and it’ll never change.”
  • Disappointments: “I tried before and it didn’t work out.” (Need I say more?)
  • Fears: “What if I fail?” “What if I waste my time, money, energy, air miles, (or whatever)?” “What will people say?” or “What if I find out that I’m really not (smart, talented, capable, good with budgeting, pretty, lovable, spiritual) after all?”

Beautiful one, it’s not for a lack of information or knowledge that your life isn’t different. THESE are the real reasons you’re not where you want to be: your excuses, beliefs, disappointments and fears.

Now, it would be so easy to say – JUST STOP IT! But if we could, we would’ve. A long time ago.

I get it. As a smart, capable woman, I thought it incredible that I habitually let these doubts and fears and excuses wreak havoc with my future the way they did. For years.

It wasn’t until I invested in someone to come alongside me, to not only champion my hopes and dreams (and get clear on what they REALLY are), but to show me how *I* was actually allowing all the mind yuck to come between me and everything I wanted, that things began to shift in a MAJOR way.

And this is what I want for you!

To have someone spend 1:1 time focusing only on YOU, to clarify and champion YOUR desires.

To shatter all the beliefs and excuses that’ve kept you from fully stewarding the gifts, talents and calling placed on and in you.

To help you create a plan that’s FUN and give you HOPE that things WILL be different – because YOU’RE stepping into the powerful woman who makes it so!

And if I’m not the one to be that for you, then please invest in someone who is because you’re WORTH it!

But if I am . . .

There’s a super EASY way to get started: Schedule your Inspiration Conversation


Melissa Williams-Pope is one of the most talented mindset coaches in the world. I’ve been coached by some great coaches over the past 10 years and I have never worked with someone as effective as Melissa. Her work is truly profound. She clearly has done a lot of work herself to be able to empower others to create the type of shifts she facilitates. Melissa is incredibly calm and non-judgmental as she patiently waits for you to rise to a new way of being. It is a very different approach than focusing on what isn’t working in your life or business. Though eliminating blocks is a crucial piece of the mindset puzzle, many people never get beyond that.

Melissa is able to help you rise up and shift to a place of infinite possibility. The things you find out when you stand in the place of infinite possibility are of a profound nature; you find yourself wanting to rise to the occasion. Through the incredible work that Melissa does, she is able to help you create life-changing shifts in a matter of hours. She has a very calming, elegant presence that makes the process really engaging. As much work as I thought I’d done before was nothing compared to having her elevate the focus to being in abundance in a really big way.

Melissa helped me see that my passion for justice (the theme she so artfully pulled out from everything I said) is a good reason for me to tap into everything I’ve been given (talents, skills, education, etc.) to make life better for others while also enjoying the abundance life has to offer. What a neat way to turn injustice into something I feel good about. Every time I even start to worry, I immediately (automatically) shift to focusing on how to make a greater impact on the world.

Within days of the 2-Hour Intensive program, I received offers for collaborative partnerships with several successful business owners which will increase my business exponentially. But more importantly, it has allowed me to get behind the causes I feel strongly about in a more impactful way than I could have previously imagined. If you are lucky enough to work with Melissa, get ready to watch your business and life shift to a whole new level faster than you ever thought possible! I am truly grateful.

Prema S., New England, USA

My breakthrough with Melissa was incredible. She has an amazing gift to go so deep with you and provide you safe place that brings your deepest money fears to the surface. I had come to an income plateau with my business and I was feeling really blah. Within 2 weeks of our session I had booked 3 new clients and tripled my income for the month! I got the momentum I needed to kick my business into high gear, and I know that my emotions around money were what was holding me back. Book Melissa now while you still have the chance!

Sofie Von Marricks, Vancouver

Thank you Melissa for what felt like a conversation with a friend. I later realised that you changed my life in our first 45 minutes, magically reading in between my words to reveal my inner blocks, ones I didn’t even know I had! You opened me up and spun me around until we came full circle. It was so quick I didn’t even know what happened and now I realise your gift to me was more valuable than I could have ever imagined.

You are unbelievably talented and destined to help people find and release their blocks.

Joanna Chrobak, London

Working with Melissa, I was truly blown away. This doesn’t happen easily for me, as I am a life coach and I am too familiar with the coaching process, the types of questions and the results that we are trying to achieve.  However, Melissa took this very self-aware coach into uncharted territory into the root of some of my behavior.  By the end of our session, she had me digging very deeply into my behavior and thought process.

As a result of our time together, I am now looking at my desired outcome when it comes to money from a different approach. I was looking at it one dimensional—paying down debt, however, I was ignoring the other piece which meant my small rewards along the way for doing the things that I do.  Working multiple jobs and not being able to spend money along way was not going to work for me. However, spending money that I didn’t budget for on rewards was sabotaging my paying down debt efforts. I was able to discover where my mindset was standing in the way and she showed me that I didn’t have to choose or settle. I can obtain BOTH of the results that were important to me. She helped me to look at my situation from a balanced approach.

Thank you Melissa for my breakthrough, I am already starting to experience my desired freedom from my own mindset.

Silvia Arvelo, Florida

Melissa guided me to look deep in my soul and confront some deep subconscious blocks that were stalling me from moving forward in my business. I feel more free, more focused, and I’ve already gained more traction in my business! I’ve gotten more visible online, have gotten my first coaching call with a client, and have more confidence in my pricing. It seriously changed my whole outlook and allowed me to let go of my husband’s money story so that I can move forward and follow my dreams.

Angela Hatch, Utah

I really enjoyed having a Money Breakthrough coaching session with Melissa. She’s so warm and beautiful and this was so translated in the conversation that we had as she made me feel like I could really achieve my dreams! One of the things that I discovered is that being financially secure for me is a necessity and that it will lead to me having more freedom to fulfill my dreams of travelling around the world (courageously). I also realised that it is safe for me to think a little bit more before making a decision to spend my money and that I don’t have to always fear money going away quickly (i.e. money leaving my bank account). I recommend this session to all fabulous females as Melissa truly will help you to gain clarity and confidence.

Queen Chioma Nworgu, MA, London

Any questions? Just leave a comment below and I’ll be happy to answer them!

Can’t wait to hear from you. Xx


PS. If you’ve read all the way to the bottom of this love letter, there’s something inside you that’s calling out for this experience . . .

Schedule your Inspiration Conversation


The Magical Journey to Published Author - First Class The Magical Journey to Published Author - First Class The Magical Journey to Published Author The Magical Journey to Published Author