Someone Who Can Personally Guide You into the Income UpLevel You Know You’re Ready for . . .
You don’t need another main course of courses. Or info-product appetizers.
You don’t need another three-part video series. Or to sign up for somebody’s latest how-to. At this point, that’s like trying to fix a gaping wound with a band-aid.
Look, we both know you’ve been in your business long enough to get in your heart that it’s true. You know how to create an opt-in and how to send an autoresponder. You know how to post on social media, put a video on YouTube and how to write blog posts. You know what goes into getting the word out there about your business.
The problem is . . .
Something’s Definitely Holding You Back from the Success That’s Meant for You
You just can’t quite put your finger on it . . .
But guess what!?
Identifying those “somethings” (Revelation) and helping you break free from them (Transformation), are two of my favourite Zone of Genius superpowers!
And it would be my honour and privilege to walk beside you as you emerge more confident, more successful, more prosperous and, frankly, more joy-filled.
U t t e r l y U p L e v e l e d !
Psst! The Path to More Money & Success is an Internal One
But you don’t have to . . .

As a Success + Mindset Breakthrough Strategist for women entrepreneurs, I help you pinpoint and metamorph the exact fears, doubts and beliefs, stories and outright lies, that have held you back from things like –
Positioning yourself for higher fees (and getting them!). . .
Surrounding yourself with a beautiful team to support you and your dreams (so you can stop working so. darn. much!) . . .
Getting your work (and YOU!) out there in a bigger way. . .
Helping ONLY amazing clients you’re totally meant to help. (Not just anybody with a pulse who’ll pay!)

Sofie tripled her income with 1:1 clients, as well as nearly selling out an upcoming exotic retreat!
“Melissa helped me to see that living in ALIGNMENT and with EASE isn’t just a concept, it’s a real thing, and we mapped out a tangible plan to make it happen.”
Only a month into our program – Gwen raised her prices by almost 400% and had her first 5k month!
Gwen TeskeWant to join these Success Stories?
Vanessa went from overwhelmed, stressed and hiding from her true calling – to absolute clarity, excitement and confidence in her business direction.
“Working with Melissa was the best business and personal investment I have made. I was totally blown away.”
Vanessa V FerreiraAre We a Perfect Match?
We Could Be a Good Fit If:
- You’ve been running your business for at least 6 months to a year and have the tech basics sorted
- You know that information consumption (freebies/home study courses) won’t take you any further
- You highly value personal growth and you’re ready (and excited!) to UpLevel internally, so your business can, too
- You take initiative and appreciate mutually respected boundaries
- You’re ready to abandon the: Hustle → Overwhelm → Hide → Re-Energize → Hustle → Overwhelm → Hide . . . Cycle of Madness
- You understand that ultimately, success is up to you
- You believe in the integrity of investing around the same level or above what you expect clients to invest in you
- You’re open-minded, creative, fun and love to laugh 😀
But Maybe Not a Good Fit If:
- You’re brand new in business and hoping I’ll teach you the technical basics (how to set up a blog, FB page, autoresponder, etc.)
- You’re not interested in transformation to get to the next level; you’d rather just half-read another e-Book
- You don’t believe in the value or necessity of overcoming internal blocks to your success
- You need someone available for you 24/7
- You’re addicted to the struggle and nobody can pry your fingers from any of your tasks or duties, nor convince you to look after your own well-being
- There’s always a good excuse for why you didn’t follow through
- You’re bargain hunting
- You don’t tend to be flexible or open-minded
If you’ve made the savvy discovery that your success and wealth creation are dependent upon a powerful mindset undergirding your strategy, and you’re ready to take that journey to the next level of your business (and, let’s be honest, your personal) transformation . . .
Here’s how we can working together (Exciting!):
Private Coaching

These 6 to 12 month UpLeveled Entrepreneur Private Mentorships are specifically tailored to your personalized UpLeveling path and have been created for YOU – the committed, woman entrepreneur who knows you’re beyond constant information consumption (and overload!), doing everything yourself and allowing fears and beliefs to hold you back.
You’re ready to step into being the woman who can charge REALLY well for your services, work with clients who absolutely light you up and make more of the difference you KNOW you’re meant to make.
I only work with a handful of private clients (no more than 6) at one time, and by application only. Click the button below to apply for an Exploration Conversation to see if we’re a good fit (and can have fun together, too!). 🙂

If you want to compress your timeline all while having an EXPERIENCE, I now offer Live and Virtual, full and half day VIP Intensives. These are very powerful, private events where deep mindset transformation meets strategic planning and are tailored specifically to your desired outcomes.
On Location VIP Intensives are temporarily on hold. BUT Virtual VIP Intensives are held over Skype or Zoom from the comfort of your home or office, wherever you are in the world. I only offer up to two Intensives per month, so click the button below to apply for an Inspiration Conversation to see if we’re a good fit (and can have fun together, too!). 🙂
Prema S.
“I’m not just saying this; I experienced it myself. If you REALLY want breakthrough, if you’re ready to do the work . . . Melissa Williams-Pope is the coach I would say you would invest in.“
Erica Michelle
It’s Your Turn. It’s Your Time.
Angi Grant
Lovely one,
It’s your time. We didn’t find each other by accident or happenstance. They say that when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. Well, I’m here. You’re ready.
So let’s get the ball rolling, shall we?
Melissa xx