Have you ever tried “fear-setting”

Unfounded fear. It’s likely lurking behind every decision before you – or every idea you conceive. It’s Public Enemy #1 (or at least in the top 3) to the entrepreneur. It stops us from so. many. things. that would be awesome for our bottom line, not...

Held Back By Perfectionism?

(Did you know that if something in this post speaks to you, you can highlight it and share? It’s easy! 🙂 ) Bonjour lovely, I set an intention to connect with you today, but my mind, usually brimming with ideas and things I want to share with you, went blank....

The Risks That Make You Feel Ill

Bonjour lovely! Have you had the experience I had today? The one where you made a BIG leap or took a huge risk and then literally felt ill afterwards? That would be me, oh, less than an hour ago. I’ve taken a lot of risks in my life where I catapulted...


Don’t you LOVE when you get a sign that you’re on the right path?? I’ve got some big plans and dreams that are unfolding within the next month and as is the case with all BIG DREAMS, the fear of the unknown or the fear of doing the wrong thing wants...
The Magical Journey to Published Author - First Class The Magical Journey to Published Author - First Class The Magical Journey to Published Author The Magical Journey to Published Author