Have you ever tried “fear-setting”

Unfounded fear. It’s likely lurking behind every decision before you – or every idea you conceive. It’s Public Enemy #1 (or at least in the top 3) to the entrepreneur. It stops us from so. many. things. that would be awesome for our bottom line, not...

Stop thinking about your ideal client

I’ve got an important question for you . . . We talk so much about the vitality of knowing who our idea client is (or ideal audience, ideal reader, etc.). And it’s true – we DO need to understand who she is. What she’s like. What she desires....

I can charge what my services are worth

Don’t let fear or guilt around charging what your services are worth hold you back from making the money you need and desire to fund the dreams in your heart. Lovely lady, you deserve to be compensated for the gifts you bring into the world! If you know that...

I am free

“The phrase ‘financial freedom’ includes the word ‘financial’ but it also includes the word ‘freedom’: freedom to explore the blessings that surround us. Freedom to help ourselves so that we can help others. Freedom to live...
The Magical Journey to Published Author - First Class The Magical Journey to Published Author - First Class The Magical Journey to Published Author The Magical Journey to Published Author