Sooo yesterday I made the Mother’s Day calls. It was all going so well. And then the phone was passed to my spunky 80-something year old Grammy.

And instead of the small talk, I got this . . .

Grammy: “So are you working on a book right now, honey? You know you need to be writing a book.”

Little does Grammy know that I’ve had several people approach me either asking various versions of this question, or encouraging me to be writing.

Me: “Argh – yes, I KNOW I need to be writing. I’ve just got SO many projects on the go right now.” Insert a few more excuses as to why I’m “too busy” right now.

Now here it comes . . .

Grammy (with a heck of a lot of vehemence): “SHAME ON YOU! SHAME on you! Shame on you. You have all this talent and you’re not writing. I want to hold your novel in my hands BEFORE I’M DEAD . . .”

Nervous laughter because I just got TOLD.

And while I would never advocate those words, nor would I ever use them with a client, I totally get where she’s coming from. She’s in the latter part of life. She’s in a wheelchair and has lost a lot of mobility (nothing wrong with her mind though!). And she doesn’t want me to experience any of the regrets she might be carrying right now.

It totally reminded me of that famous Marianne Williamson quote saying something to the effect of who are you NOT to be brilliant and amazing (wild, reckless paraphrase here).

How dare I squander what’s been given to me to steward?

After all, regret sucks.

I don’t want to end up 40 or 50 years from now with a whole pile of them. I doubt you want to either.

So what is it for you? If your Grammy was going to give you a loving smackdown about something (because she wants you to reach your full potential), what would it be?

And now what are you going to do about it? Just leave a comment below and let me know so I can cheer you on!

Yes, I WILL be making time to write and work on my craft, so feel free to check in on me with this! 😉

Finally Finished!

Just a super quick message to let you know that it’s FINALLY finished! (Cue the angelic choir and heavenly beam of light.) 😉

If you’re curious to find out the Leading Lady character you play in the grand adventure story of your life, and the Mentor-Guide character you play in your clients’, what I’ve created for you is super fun! AND insightful.

After months of research, study and creation, the Core Archetype Assessment + one of the 12 individual corresponding Guides are ready and waiting for your exciting discovery.

And it’s my gift to you!

Core Archetype Assessment is here

Discovering your Core Archetype is the first step in uncovering your authentic mission + message and then being able to communicate that to that perfect, meant-to-be bunch of people you’re destined to help.

Check it out


With love,
Melissa xx
The Magical Journey to Published Author - First Class The Magical Journey to Published Author - First Class The Magical Journey to Published Author The Magical Journey to Published Author